The book of the prayer of repentance, Imam Zain Al-Abidin, peace be upon himIt is one of the most famous supplications of the Shiite sect, which keeps reading it constantly and every occasion.The Book of Repentance Prayers is a religious book that belongs to Imam Zayn al-Abidin, peace be upon him. It includes a short and simple supplication, which includes deep meanings and strong and influential words, and is characterized by the fact that it expresses sincere seeking forgiveness and true repentance.The Book of Repentance Prayers is one of the books that affect the souls, as it urges the believers to seek forgiveness and repent.One of the most important religious supplications that urge obedience, seeking forgiveness and repentance.About Imam Zine El Abidine, peace be upon him:Imam Zain Al-Abidin, peace be upon him, is the fourth Imam in Islam, and his real name is Ali bin Al-Hussein bin Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon them. He was born on the fifth of the month of Shaban in the year 38 AH corresponding to the year 659.The period in which Ali bin Al-Hussein lived witnessed many events that took place in Islamic history, including the battle of Karbala, where he was present, during which his father, Al-Hussein bin Ali, peace be upon him, was killed.And he has the book Al-Sahifa Al-Sajjadia, which carries a lot of supplications.They are (Al-Risala Al-Haqooq) (The Fifteen Monologues) (Dua Abi Hamza Al-Thumali).Imam Zayn al-Abidin, peace be upon him, is considered one of the most famous Islamic personalities known for his spiritual depth and dedication to worship and closeness to God Almighty. Imam Zain al-Abidin is famous for authoring many supplications and supplications that express his devotion to worship and closeness to God Almighty.It is also a symbol of patience and reckoning, as he was exposed to many calamities, crises and tribulations in his life, but he was able to withstand and endure, and he was known for his high morals and the depth of his religiosity.He is also famous for his call for mercy, benevolence, and sympathy for the poor and needy, and his interest in social and humanitarian reform, as he sought to promote Islamic values in society, and to modernize and renew religious and cultural curricula.Imam Zayn al-Abidin, peace be upon him, is considered one of the most important figures in Islamic history, an influential figure in shaping and developing the Islamic faith, and one of the greatest leaders and thinkers known to mankind.This book was created by the management of the Shiite Voice channel